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The Ohio State University

The Journal of Short Film

Volume 10


1.  CONVERSION – Nanobah Becker (2006, 9:00)
CONVERSION portrays a Christian missionary’s dubious
influence over a little girl and her family in the remote Navajo desert, circa

2.  GUM AND TEA – EE Miller and Samuael Topiary (2005, 4:45)
A collaborative meditation on intimacy and U.S. currency.

3.  MILKY WAY – Ivana Mladenovic [Romania] (2006, 10:00)
While Romania enters the E.U., Titinel and Mihai, two shepherds, live by their own rules in the
outskirts of Bucharest.

4.  PAPER – Elliot Blanchard (2006, 2:00)
A man wakes up to unexpected new guests—and they have their own ideas
about who should be in charge.

5.  SCENIC HIGHWAY – Evan Mather (2007, 17:00)
Baton Rouge’s colorful history is exposed in this darkly affectionate memoir.

6.  HOME – Paul Negoescu [Romania] (2007, 14:00)
On Christmas Eve, a taxi driver takes home a man returning from working abroad.

7.  SISTER CITIES [3D] – Joe Merrell (2006, 10:15)
Non-local awareness on a 3D walk through Los Angeles.

8.  PAINTER OF THE LAND – Joel Fendelman (2004, 8:00)
A glance at a man of a dying culture of farmers and how he uses the earth as his

9.  WAR NEXT DOOR – Péter Politzer [Hungary] (2005, 10:00)
It is Christmas night. The war is already raging in the neighboring city.

10.  A WILD BEETLE CHASE – Sarah Jackson (2007, 13:10)
Dr. Ivie searches for a beetle in Italy and shows that failure is just another step in the process.

11.  HER HEART IS WASHED IN WATER AND THEN WEIGHED – Sasha Waters (2006, 12:45)
When you die, everything you know disappears. A love letter to the abject beauty of
human frailty.  In three short acts.  

JSF Volume 10Volume 10