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The Ohio State University

The Journal of Short Film

About the Journal of Short Film

Digital video cameras and the decreasing costs of film production are putting filmmaking within reach of ordinary citizens all over the world. But unless there is a venue for screening the fruits of this democratic wave of filmmaking, it won’t matter. Corporate media have deemed short film to be commercially unviable, and, until something changes, short film will continue to fall short of its potential.

There exists a huge body of independent filmmakers desperate for a medium to show their work. Poets have journals, painters and photographers have local galleries. Why is there no similar venue for filmmakers?

There is now.

Art and democracy are dependent on a plurality of voices, and we can no longer afford such narrow, commercial influences on culture. Digital technology provides us options, and, starting now, filmmakers have a new venue.

This is the Journal of Short Film:
• a quarterly DVD journal containing 90-120 minutes of independent short film per volume
• peer-reviewed by filmmakers and scholars of film theory
• inclusive of all genres of film, favoring independent and underrepresented work
• sold at a low cost—$10/vol., $36/subscription
• non-corporate and ad-free
• open and free submission process